Welcome to Wanderitis! This site shares the stories of our wanderings around the world. But you probably want to know more about us. So here goes…
We have always been a bit of an unusual couple. We met online in 2005 when everyone thought that only serial killers were choosing to date on the web. Thankfully Peter is only good at killing cereal.
The day after we met, Peter took off for Australia for 3 weeks and the day he returned to town Alicia took off to Michigan for 2 weeks. As a result, we barely recognized each other upon meeting for our second date.
Soon after getting married, we lived on the road for 3 years performing jump rope demos at over 1,200 schools around the US. Going from solo living to being together 24/7 was quite the adjustment, but we survived. Barely. We got used to be around each other all the time and love being together. Frequently, we take 6-8 week trips around the world. We’ve had numerous people tell us they would probably kill their spouse if they had to take that long of a trip together. I do believe that’s generally frowned upon so we don’t do that.
In 2016 we sold our house and went back on the road full-time. We live in a truck camper (64 whole square feet of living space) and put all our stuff in a trailer. We’ve affectionately named our truck and camper combo the Wandering Turtle. This is because turtles are Alicia’s favorite animal and we kind of act like a turtle since we wear our house on our back.

Peter is an eclectic person. As a result, he has a lot of varied interests. Below are some of the things he is known for:
- 7-Time World Champion rope jumper
- 12-Time Guinness World Records Holder
- Professional Photographer
- Cereal Killer
- Unicyclist
- Always wears shorts and flip-flops (with certain exceptions like hiking near poison ivy to which he’s extremely allergic)
- Has to be close to the worst gift giver on the planet (much to the constant disappointment of Alicia…who already has very low expectations)

Alicia is originally from Oklahoma. Don’t hold this against her, she is really awesome. After getting married she had the brilliant idea of taking a picture in her wedding dress everywhere we go.
Alicia was awarded the honorary title of “Skull Crusher” when we had a mouse infestation in the house we lived in after getting married. This was a result of Peter being out of town doing his jump rope thing and Alicia felt that waiting on his return before beginning the extermination efforts was not realistic. She set about pillaging the invisible mouse village and sent frequent pictures of her conquest.